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Seniors Does

Listed by age oldest to youngest

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 SG Pholia Farm MoonLaced ByDesign 4*M VEEV88

 Elite Doe



Sire: Sugar Moon Rocky Dolby SS: NC Promisedland Ram-Beau SSS: NC Promisedland MG Beau SSD: Caesar's Villa DN Lizzie SD: NC Promisedland Pal Paloma SDS: Buttin'Heads Palimony SDD: NC Promisedland SS Thistle

Dam: Pholia Farm DN Martha DS: Pholia Farm CF Doenut DSS: Pholia Farm KM Copperfield DSD: Pholia Farm HB Soiree  DD: Pholia Farm RA Puzzle DDS: Rosasharn SS Aquarius DDD: Piddlin Acres Start A Rumor


2013 Linear Appraisal Score V++ overall V

2014 LA Score +V++ 81 Official height 22 1/4"

2015 LA Score VVEV 87 offical height 22 1/2"

Lacey went over height as a three year old.


SGCH Leisure Time TW MoonDustMayhem 5*M VEEE 91 Elite Doe

Broken chocolate buckskin with moonspots and blue eyes.

Sire: GCH Leisure Time CF The Works *+B VEE89 6yrs old

Dam: SG Pholia Farm Moonlaced ByDesign 4*M VEEV 88 5 yr old


2014 LA young stock score +++ + 17"

2015 LA score +VV+ 84 official height 20"

2016 LA score

2017 LA score VEEE 90

2018 LA score VEEE 91 4yrs old



2014 NWABGC show Reserve Grand.

2015 Nationals 12th place out of 30 yearling milkers.

2015 Evergreen State Fair 1st place yearling milker, Washington state fair 2nd place.

2016 Evergreen state Fair Grand, BOB and BU. Washington state fair 1st, large class.

2017 NEWDGA 1X Grand Champion & BOB.

2018 at the SWWDGA show against 72 milking does Mayhem finished her championship in the first ring.

2019 ADGA Nationals 17th place. 

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SGCH Leisure Time TW Silver Joy 3*M EEEV 91
DOB 6-2-14 -4-20-22

Broken buckskin with silver overlay, brown eyes

Sire: CH Leisure Time CF The Works +*B VEE89 6yrs

Dam: Leisure Time CF Silver Bell 2*M EVEV88 2-03yrs

Joy is Excellent in head, shoulder assembly, front & rear legs and back with a V in rump. She is an extremely well put together doe but her personality makes her a favorite. She is calm and oh so sweet, nothing fazes her and she passes it onto her kids. 


2015 NWABGC 2X 2nd,1 X 3rd

2015 Nationals 14th Jr. yearling out of 20.

2016 SWWDGA 2nd twice and 4th

2016 Evergreen state fair 4th, Washington state fair 4th, large class

2017 SWWDGA 1X Reserve 1X Grand Champion 70 milk does

2017 Evergreen state fair Reserve Champion

2018 SWWDGA 1X Grand Champion

2018 The Udder Spectacular 1X Grand Champion, BOB

2019 Udder Spectacular 2X BOB 

Leisure Time SophisticatedLady 2*M



Jazz song by Duke Ellington & Art Tatum

2015 NWABGC 3X 1st, Reserve Grand, Grand Champion and Best In Show! Has Jr. Leg

2015 Nationals 8th place Jr. Yearling out of 20.

2016 Evergreen state fair 7th, Washington state fair 7th large class

2017 NEWDGA 1X Grand, BOB & BUOB

2018 SWWDGA 1X Reserve

2019 Nationals 14th place 5 year old

      Leisure Time TW Smooth Jazz 3*M 


                                     DOB 5-4-2016

Sire: GCH Leisure Time TW The Works +*B SS: Take Heart Cabin Fever +*B VEE89 SD: Poppy Patch BR Blu Gypsy Angel

Dam: Leisure Time TT Nina Samone 2*M DS: Alethia DJ Triton +*B DD: Poppy Patch HB Jazzy 1*M VVEE88 2-01yrs.


Show record: 

Has Jr. leg

As a two year old ff Smoothie has done very well in the show ring usually in 2nd or 3rd place.

2018 Evergreen State fair 1x1st 1X Reserve Grand, 2nd place best udder as a FF.

2019 Nationals 8th place 3 year old.



SG Leisure Time MS Southern Charm 4*M

                                 DOB 2-26-17

Sire: Pholia Farm RD Moonshine *B SS: SG Sugar Moon Rocky Dolby +*B SD: SG Pholia Farm DN Martha 3*M

Dam:  GCH Leisure Time TW Silver Joy 3*M VEEE 90 4yr old DS: GCH Leisure Time CF The Works +*B VEE 896yr old DD: Leisure Time CF Silver Bell 2*M EVEV 88 2yr old


2017 NWABGC Grand Champion

2018 LA as a yearling ff  VEEV 87

2019 LA VVEE 89  Charm has a 36 in fore udder, 33 in rear udder height, 33 in side view and 24 in medial.

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Leisure Time TW Pixie Dust 3*M 


DOB 2-28-17

Sire: GCH Leisure Time CF The Works +*B VEE 89 6yr old SS: AGS Take Heart Cabin Fever +B SD: Poppy Patch BR Blu Gypsy Angel 1*M

Dam: Leisure Time OH Tinker Belle 2*M DS: Rosasharn BH OH Henry +*B DD: SG The Blue Laced Bella 1*M



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   SG Leisure Time ZZ   Scandalous 6*M
                         VEEV 89

                                   DOB 2-25-2018

Sire: Hetlandcreek Sharp Dressed Man +*B SS: Alethia ET I'm A Love Machine SD: Algedi Farm CK Seirene Song 6*M

Dam: SGCH Leisure Time TW MoondustMayhem 5*M VEEE 91 4 yrs old DS: GCH Leisure Time CF The Works +*B VEE 89 6yrs. old  DD: SG Pholia Farm MoonLaced ByDesign 4*M VEEV 88 5yrs old


2019 LA Score +EVV 85 35 in fore udder, 40 rear udder arch, 38 side view and 24 medial.

2019 Nationals 12th place milking yearling. I heard the judges talking about how they loved her dairyness. 

2021 LA VEEV 87 Scandalous has a V in head, shoulder assembly, rear legs, back and rump. Front legs E.

I really love this doe she is very feminine with dairy strength and a nice will to milk. She milked a 1,000 lbs this last year as a 3 yr. old.

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Leisure Time SC KissFromA Rose 4*M

                                    DOB 3-4-2018

Sire: Leisure Time TT Silver Coconut *B SS: Alethia DJ Triton +*B SD: Leisure Time CF Silver Bell 2*M EVEV 88 2yrs old

Dam: Leisure Time TW Smooth Jazz ++EE 86 2yr old FF   DS: GCH Leisure Time CF The Works +*B VEE 89 6yrs old DD: Leisure Time TT Nina Samone 2*M 


2019 LA score +VVV 86 I really like Rosie and I'm glad I kept her. She has a 36 fore udder, 36 rear udder height, 33arch  and a 24 medial.

2021 LA VVEE 89 Rosie was a 36 in fore udder, 37 rear udder height and 30 in arch. Medial was only a 21? With 31 on teat placement. She received a V in head, rear legs, feet,and rump with an E in front legs and with a + in back, she has a tendency to roach a bit when her udder is show full. Rosie reminds me a lot of her aunt Style.


Show record Rose shows well often in the final lineup when she is shown. She won Reserve Grand Champion at the Evergreen state fair 2023 and then helped win Best Dairy Herd In Show! 


   I've changed my mind Rosie will be staying here

            Leisure Time ZZ  Tigerlily 3*M


                                  DOB 3-5-2018

Sire: Hetlandcreek Sharp Dressed Man +*B SS: Alethia ET I'm A Love Machine SD: Algedi Farm CK Seirene Song 6*M VEVE 90

Dam: Leisure Time HB She's A Daisy 2*M DS: Poppy Patch HB Honey Bear +*B DD: Honey Goat Precious Tigerlilly 1*M


First show of the year Tigerlily won her Jr. leg, another exciting junior doe

This is a doe that I absolutely love. She is beautiful. She was the 5th place senior yearling at Nationals. 


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          Hetlandcreek ILM Vesuvius 6*M


                                    DOB 3-17-2018

Sire: Alethia ET I'm A Love Machine *B SS: Alethia CTO Eye Of The Tiger SD:  SGCH Alethia MH Dew Ya Love Me VEVE 90

Dam: GCH Algedi Farm MH Andante 5*M EEEE 91 DS: SG Algedi Farm MB Manuka Honey VVE 88 DD:GCH Algedi Farm D Capella 4*M VEEE 91

2018 LA +VVV 85

2021 LA VVEE88

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  SGCH Leisure Time SetFireToThe Rain 6*M


                                       DOB 3-8-2019

Sire: Leisure Time ZZ GQ *B SS: Hetlandcreek Sharp Dressed Man +*B SD: Leisure Time SophisticatedLady 2*M VEEV 89 

Dam: SGCH Leisure Time TW MoondustMayhem 5*M VEEE 91 Elite doe DS: GCH Leisure Time CF The Works +*B VEE 89 DD: SG Pholia Farm MoonLaced ByDesign 4*M VEEV 88 Elite doe


Rain was the 2nd place intermediate kid at Nationals. I love everything about this doe, she has a beautiful topline with high thurls, beautiful shoulders, uphill stance plus she's wide and wedgy. My kinda goat. :-) 

2021 LA ++VV 86 

As a yearling ff Rain milked 620lbs in 298 days 44lbs fat &31lbs protein.

2nd lactation still on going 820lbs in 311 days 52lbs fat & 38lbs protein

DNA'd and A/A casein report


Rain has 2 legs towards her permanant championship. 1 was won a a 3yr. old at the NEWDGA show the other same place as a 4yr. old. 


Pictured below as a 4yr. old 

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             Leisure Time ZZ  Cessna 3*M 
                                     DOB 4-7-2019

Sire: Hetlandcreek Sharp Dressed Man +*B SS: Alethia ET I'm A Love Machine SD: Algedi Farm CK Seirene Song 6

*M VEVE 90

Dam: Leisure Time TW Pixie Dust 3*M VEEE90 DS: GCH Leisure Time CF The Works +*B VEE89 DD: Leisure Time OH Tinker Belle 2*M

 Available $900.00

            Leisure Time ZZ  Georgia 5*M


                                      DOB 4-5-2019


Sire: Hetlandcreek Sharp Dressed Man +*B SS: Alethia ET I'm A Love Machine SD: Algedi Farm CK Seirene Song 6*M VEVE 90

Dam: SG Leisure Time MS Southern Charm 4*M VVEE89 DS: SG Pholia Farm RD Moonshine +*B Elite buck DD: SGCH Leisure Time TW Silver Joy 3*M EEEV91


  Available $1000.00 

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            Leisure Time TW Stylish Flair 4*M



                                             DOB 3-16-2020

Sire: GCH Leisure Time CF The Works +*B VEE89 SS: Take Heart Cabin Fever SD: Poppy Patch BR Blu Gypsy Angel

Dam: Leisure Time TT SilversN Style 3*M +VVV86 4-03 yrs DS: Algedi Farm DJ Triton+*B DD: SG Leisure Time CF Silver Bell EVEV 88 2-03 yrs


2021 LA +++A 80 

  Available $1000.00 nice big teats but smaller orfices.

         Leisure Time ZZ Jubilation 4*M 


                                    DOB 3-23-2020

Sire: Hetlandcreek Sharp Dressed Man SS: Alethia ET I'm A Love Machine SD: Algedi Farm CK Seirene Song 6*M VEVE91 3-01

Dam: SGCH Leisure Time TW Silver Joy 3*M EEEV 91 5yrs SD: GCH Leisure Time CF The Works +*B VEE 89 6-03yrs DD: SG Leisure Time CF Silver Bell 2*M EVEV 88 2-03 yrs


2021 LA +V++ 83  

Jubilee milked 640lbs in 270 days with 40lbs fat & 27lbs protein.

Jubilee has milked 740lbs in 227 days so far, 41lbs fat, and 29lbs protein. Her last three tests have been once a day milking.


Jubilee pictured as a 3yr old below at the NEWDGA show where she won 2 Reserves and Best Udder of Breed.

 In 2023 Jubilee was 1st place in every show she went to except Nationals. She won 3 reserves and a BUOB. 


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Above Jubilee is pictured as a 2yr. old at the NEWDGA show she won a Reserve

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       Leisure Time HM Fiery Ember 7*M


                                      DOB 4-5-2020

Sire: Hetlandcreek GQ Red Hot Magma *B SS: Leisure Time ZZ GQ *B SD: Hetlandcreek ILM Vesuvius 6*M VEEE90

Dam: SGCH Leisure Time SetFireToThe Rain 6*M VEEE91 DS: Leisure Time ZZ GQ *B DD: SGCH Leisure Time TW MoondustMayhem 5*M VEEE91 4-03 yrs. Elite doe


2021 LA Score +V++ 84

Ember milked 360lbs of milk in 255 days 21 lbs fat & 16lbs protein, not very good hopefully this next lactation she eats some grain and doesn't get so skinny.

Ember has milked 660lbs of milk in 256 days, 31lbs fat and 26lbs of protein. The last 3 test are once a day. testing is ongoing.

        Leisure Time ZZ Mississippi 5*M "River"

                                              DOB 5-2020

Sire: Hetlandcreek Sharp Dressed Man SS: Alethia ET I'm A Love Machine SD: Algedi Farm CK Seirene Song 6*M VEVE 91 3-01yrs

Dam: SG Leisure Time MS Southern Charm 4*M VVEE 89 2-04yrs DS: SG Pholia Farm RD Moonshine +*B Elite sire DD: SGCH Leisure Time TW Silver Joy 3*M EEEV 91 5yrs 


This is a repeat breeding for the 2019 Nationals 1st place Junior doe kid. 


2021 LA score +V+V 85 

River milked 550lbs in 245 days 34lbs fat & 25lbs protein.

River has milked 530lbs in 228 days, 33lbs fat & 22lbs of protein. Last three tests have been once a day milking.



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       Leisure Time GQ Faerie Mist 4*M


                                    DOB 3-20-2021

Sire: Leisure Time ZZ GQ *B SS: Hetlandcreek Sharp Dressed Man +*B SD: Leisure Time SophisticatedLady 2*M VEEV 89 

Dam: Leisure Time TW Pixie Dust 3*M VEEE90 DS: GCH Leisure Time CF The Works +*B VEE89 DD: Leisure Time OH Tinker Belle 2*M 

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     Leisure Time ZZ Black Baccara 5*M


                                     DOB 3-23-21

Sire: Hetlandcreek Sharp Dressed Man +*B SS: Alethia ET I'm A Love Machine *B SD: Algedi Farm CK Seirene Song 6*M VEVE 91 

Dam: Leisure Time SC KissFromA Rose 4*M VVEE 89 DS: Leisure Time TT Silver Coconut *B DD: Leisure Time TW Smooth Jazz 3*M VEEE 90


 Baccara pictured as a yearling FF.

      Leisure Time PP 65 Corvette "Evette"

                                    DOB 4-19-21

Sire: Leisure Time TW Peter Pan *B VEE90 SS: GCH Leisure Time CF The Works +*B VEE 89 SD: Leisure Time OH Tinker Belle 2*M

Dam: Leisure Time SophisticatedLady 2*M VEEV 89 DS: Poppy Patch HB Honey Bear +*B DD: Poppy Patch HB Jazzy 1*M VVEE 88 

Evette as a dry yearling was shown her at several shows and she did very well and brought home 1 Reserve. Really looking forward to her freshening in 2023. 

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          Leisure Time GQ Fine Jewels 


Sire: Leisure Time ZZ GQ *B SS: Hetlandcreek Sharp Dressed Man SD: Leisure Time SophisticatedLady 2*M VEEV89 
Dam: SGCH Leisure Time TW Silver Joy 3*M EEEV91 DS: GCH Leisure Time CF The Works +*B VEE89 DD: SG Leisure Time CF Silver Bell 2*M VEEV88 2yr.old

                 Leisure Time PP Cinder


Sire: Leisure Time TW Peter Pan *B VEE90 SS: GCH Leisure Time CF The Works +*B VEE89 SD: Leisure Time OH Tinker Belle 2*M
Dam: Leisure Time HM Fiery Ember 7*M GVVV87 DS: Hetlandcreek GQ Red Hot Magma *B DD: Leisure Time SetFireToThe Rain 6*M VEEE91

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           Leisure Time Dandelion Wishes

Sire: Hetlandcreek GQ Red Hot Magma *B SS: Leisure Time ZZ GQ *B SD: Hetlandcreek ILM Vesuvius 6*M VEEE90
Dam: Leisure Time TW Pixie Dust 3*M VEEE90 DS: GCH Leisure Time CF The Works+*B VEE89 DD: Leisure Time OH Tinker Belle 2*M

The Leisure Time SouthernSas


Sire: Pippin Hill CC Orion's Belt SS: Redstone Cosmic Charlie SD: Springwater JT Pied Piper

Dam: Leisure Time ZZ Georgia 5*M VVEV87 DS: Hetlandcreek Sharp Dressed Man +*B DD: SG Leisure Time MS Southern Charm 4*M VVEE89

 Available 550.00

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The Leisure Time OB Peach Pie


Sire: Pippin Hill CC Orion's Belt SS: Redstone Cosmic Charlie SD: Springwater JT Pied Piper

Dam: Leisure Time ZZ Georgia 5*M VVEV87 DS: Hetlandcreek Sharp Dressed Man +*B DD: SG Leisure Time MS Southern Charm 4*M VVEE89

 Available 550.00

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any questions


Arlington, Washington


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